不動心 (Fudōshin) - The Immovable Mind
As I mark 31 years of practicing martial arts and celebrate the 8th anniversary of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō, I find myself in a moment of deep reflection. This year has been particularly challenging, marked by health struggles and the unfortunate necessity to defend against unfounded accusations through legal channels. Perhaps most disheartening has been witnessing individuals who claim to embody the principles of martial arts or religious devotion actively supporting behavior that contradicts these very principles.
Yet, this doesn't come as a surprise. It's precisely why I've maintained a careful distance from certain martial arts communities. Too often, I've observed a concerning shift away from the core values of authentic training and ethical teachings, replaced instead by a tendency to condemn those who don't conform to rigid, and often harmful, ideologies.
This raises a fundamental question: What is the true purpose of our training? For those who claim to preserve traditional martial arts, the selective adoption of techniques while disregarding the moral and ethical framework established by past masters seems deeply problematic. It's ironic that some practitioners in classical schools (koryū) vocally oppose the "theft" of techniques, yet see no issue with discarding the founder's essential teachings about ethical conduct and avoiding unnecessary violence. Isn't this, in itself, a form of theft?
Through these challenges, I take pride in maintaining unwavering commitment to strict ethical principles. This journey isn't without its struggles – managing depression and PTSD creates significant obstacles that require daily effort to overcome. Yet, I find strength in knowing I've consistently chosen to avoid the malicious behavior I've witnessed in others. Each instance of misconduct I've encountered or experienced has served as an opportunity for deeper introspection about my own style and character.

Truth stands independent of consensus. No matter how many might band together in support of misguided practices, truth remains unaltered, extending infinitely beyond our limited perspectives and personal beliefs.
I'm deeply grateful for my students' dedication and their sincere pursuit of truth in budō. As I look toward the future, I hope to continue this journey and celebrate our ninth year together.
To both my friends and those who have stood in opposition to my path: I extend my gratitude. Each of you has contributed to my growth in your own way, and I genuinely wish you peace and prosperity in your journeys.
Written on the occasion of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō's 8th Anniversary