Shinkan-ryū Kenpō 真観流剣法

Shinkan-ryū was founded on koryū sword techniques and tradition established from the concentrated study of Edo period swordsmanship of Shintō Munen-ryū kenjutsu 神道無念流剣術 (Shindo Munen-ryu). The philosophical and profound teachings of swordsmanship in Shinkan-ryū Kenpō are conveyed and taught alongside the mundane aspects of bujutsu. Saneteru Radzikowski centers the school on the authentic and correct swordsmanship of pre-modern Japan, and the spiritual development and character refinement of the swordsman. Teachings are both concrete and spiritual just as the classical arts should be.

Shinkan-ryū Kenpō uses the ideas of munen 無念 (non-worldly thoughts), which is a Buddhist concept, and endeavors to pierce the fog of mental hindrances and fetters to show the real truth of our minds and the world. The techniques of the sword and mind are shared at the same level. One does not develop only the sword without the mind in the true tradition of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō. The current head instructor is Saneteru Radzikowski.


samurai sword

Our core curriculum is sword-based using the Japanese long sword (katana) and a short sword (wakizashi). There is a robust syllabus containing Iaijutsu and kenjutsu. Techniques of the jō (medium staff) are taught within jōjutsu. More are listed on the curriculum page.

Ranks & Levels


Shinkan-ryū Kenpō does not abide by the kyu and dan ranking system present in many modern martial arts.  


budo swords

Shinkan-ryū Kenpō is headquartered in Japan. As with many other schools in Japan, this school does not recognize the authority of any modern governing body. We are not affiliated with any other system or group in Japan.