If you study the way and path 道, then you should understand the truth correctly. If you study martial arts 武術, then you must understand both the way and the weapon.
A sword, once drawn and brandished may cut or kill. Not just your opponent but yourself as well. The injury can not be reversed. Possibly the wound can be repaired, but damages remain. Gossiping and spreading lies, throwing around hate is just as careless as drawing a sword in a crowded room.
I know very well from my own personal experience that it is not easy to keep our minds controlled. In the past, I have often lost my temper and said and done stupid things. If we don't attempt to change and put hard feelings and stuff behind us, then we will forever be wounding ourselves and others around us. Putting stuff behind us
It is not sufficient to intellectually appreciate the techniques of
館長Saneteru Radzikowski is the head sword instructor of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō. He lives and teaches Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu from Nara, Japan.
7 Year Anniversary of Online and In-person Sword Learning
Today marks a significant milestone in our journey — the 7th Anniversary of Shinkan-ryu Kenpo!...
Speed, Martial Arts and Samurai Theater
What’s the difference between bugei 武芸 (martial arts) demonstrations and stunts? People are awed by...
Be Thankful.Be Earnest In Bujutsu & Life
Be thankful for your mistakes, failures, and blunders. They are your own teacher reminding you...
Advance The Sword And Mind
No matter what, move. Advance. Unceasingly against whatever odds, internal or external, move towards the...
How To Avoid Training Pitfalls In Martial Arts
Beware The Rabbit Holes. I want to talk about some pitfalls of martial arts training....
Budo Thoughts: Practice is life.
Practice is life. Life is practice. Enjoy them together. Enjoying morning keiko outdoors. The smell...
A Disease of the Swordsman
The Sword and its study. Hesitation (doubt) is one of the four diseases in swordsmanship....
You With Sword In Hand, Calm Yourself
The mental issues involved with subscribing to someone you dislike, hate, have anger towards, desire...
Budo Don’t
Don’t be in love with your weapon. Don’t be in love with your uniform. Don’t...
Practice. Time Is Fleeting
In #budo as well as life, in general, we should avoid wasting time. We need...
Bushido Chūgi The code of Loyalty
Loyalty is one of the shining points in any list about the virtues important to...
Koryū Menkyo Kaiden & Classical Martial Arts Proliferation
免許皆伝 Menkyo Kaiden and Koryu Proliferation Mention menkyo or menkyo kaiden around some martial artists...
A Very Budo Christmas Happy Holidays & New Year
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you that were kind and supported...
What do I need to study bujutsu?
Learning a traditional bujutsu, koryu, or comprehensive martial art is best approached as a serious...
What does Bugei mean?
Bugei translates as Martial art, Military arts, or Arts of war. Bu 武 means warrior...
Martial Arts Breathing
The spirit of the sword is the breath. Breathing Physiology What’s so crucial about martial...
Happy Setsubun
鬼は外! 福は内! In our house we dont use beans to chase out the demons, we...
Components of Iaido Iaijutsu
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Wisdom Martial Arts Keiko & Buddhism
For those that lack wisdom the way is difficult. It is best to consider the...
Guilt and Responsibility
I heard a student say, “If I don’t do any kind of training every day,...
The Point of Iaido & Tame
Pardon the pun, but the point of iaido is important to keep. When we practice...
The Old Is Not Distant
This is important to understand when practicing historical or classical martial arts. Although the sword...