I Am A Lazy Martial Artist
There is a saying, "You get out of it what [...]
There is a saying, "You get out of it what [...]
Shu-ha-ri 守破離 is an essential concept in traditional learning. It is the fundamental master-disciple relationship in many traditional arts.
The mental issues involved with subscribing to someone you dislike, [...]
When people want to find a martial arts teacher, do [...]
If you study the way and path 道, then you [...]
Today during shodo practice I wrote this. Our [...]
Be honest. Move with the truth and discard the lies [...]
In the dojo, when I hear a student offer excuses [...]
True budo, real budo, is about being your authentic and [...]
The desire to destroy is within us all. We must [...]
Joe is a bit of a jerk.Joe joins a dojo.Joe [...]
When practicing bujutsu we should always work on being centered. [...]
Some Japanese schools or individuals wish to capitalize on the [...]
I'd like to discuss briefly discuss what Budo or Bujutsu [...]
You can jump and twirl around and whip about your [...]
Learn the sword or budo and learn of yourself. Learn [...]
In #budo as well as life, in general, we should [...]
Under the big blue sky, Walk with purpose. せいしょうにへいほうす。青空をすたすた歩く。 Move [...]
As a martial arts instructor, or school, or especially if [...]
For those that lack wisdom the way is difficult. It [...]
This is important to understand when practicing historical or classical [...]
I am often thinking about how to learn bujutsu productively. [...]
Within Shinkan-ryū are teachings to being responsible for our actions. [...]
It is difficult to wind through the brambles and thorns [...]
Practice is life. Life is practice. Enjoy them together. Enjoying [...]
Kenjutsu (剣術) is the Japanese art of the sword. It [...]
Practicing without many excuses not to is a good practice.
I have been saying it's important to get training for [...]
Studying the arts of fighting leads to peace. The pursuit [...]
Below I briefly explain the four major iaido components. [...]