It's 2016 and I am officially opening the doors to Shinkan-ryū Kenpō. I wish to spread the good teachings and experience of Japanese iaijutsu and kenjutsu around the world. Everyone that wants to learn properly, should be able to enjoy the practical and interesting techniques of our bujutsu. I hope people will enjoy this endeavor with me.
Learning Japanese sword combat is challenging and interesting.
Be Thankful.Be Earnest In Bujutsu & Life
Be thankful for your mistakes, failures, and blunders. They are your own teacher reminding you...
Too Many Martial Arts
The koryū of Japan are not self-defense arts. Although they can be authentic and certainly...
Basic Blocking In Kenjutsu
Please enjoy this informational budo video about sword blocking in classical Japanese kenjutsu.
Striking with the Katana: What is the Monouchi?
Budo Thoughts: Practice is life.
Practice is life. Life is practice. Enjoy them together. Enjoying morning keiko outdoors. The smell...
Attachment, Budo & Impermanence
It is worth a lot to be mindful of the ebb and flow of all...
Martial Arts Creator Origin Myths of Japan
Japanese Koryū Creator myths; becoming enlightened and making up a whole martial arts system. Some...
The Point of Iaido & Tame
Pardon the pun, but the point of iaido is important to keep. When we practice...
Dominando las Artes Marciales y las Bases
Hablaré acerca de bases y dominio. Antes de comenzar, quiero decir que usaré la palabra...
Budo: The Culture of Destruction
The desire to destroy is within us all. We must overcome this urge to tear...
Bushido: The Soul of Japan
The code of the samurai is always popping up in martial arts circles and popular...
Martial Arts Cults & Lies
I once had an interaction with someone who referred to their school as a genuine...
The Samurai and unwavering loyalty
The Samurai have been portrayed in popular culture as noble and faithful warriors who strictly...
When Protectors Become Perpetrators: Martial Arts Community Failures
Recently, a martial arts instructor (Budo Teacher) faced defamatory accusations in a public forum. A...
The Sword of Kamma
Within Shinkan-ryū are teachings to being responsible for our actions. Admitting fault of miss-actions or...
Is Compassion Important In Martial Arts?
What is compassion? Compassion is a concern for the suffering or problems of others. The...
Fear Isolation Martial Arts
Budo does not begin and end when you pass through the dojo, or step on...
Practice. Time Is Fleeting
In #budo as well as life, in general, we should avoid wasting time. We need...
Munen Muso And Mushin The Warriors Mind
What is the difference between munen and mushin? These concepts outline the ideal mental state...
The Sword With Two Edges
Today I decided to write the four kanji compound of morohanotsurugi. In English, we might...
Respect is a two way street in martial arts
Respect is a two-way street, however, how many people are driving recklessly? “If you want...
Mastering The Martial Arts and Basics
I will be talking about basics and mastery. Before I begin, I want to say...