There is a saying, "You get out of it what you put into it." It is pretty self-evident, however, that is not how I see it. Whatever you put into something the return is not commensurate with what you put in. It is actually less. It is like pressing flowers or herbs for their oil. You have to press a lot of flowers to extract a tiny amount of oil.
Learning martial arts, in my opinion, is the same. You put in a great deal of effort and the result is a smaller amount in return. It is, of course, the correct amount, but it is not equal to the investment. I can be lazy, and squander my time. It is important not to get caught up in the deluge of information and media that is live in 2019. This is one reason I deleted my Facebook account and haven't that or a messenger app on my phone in over a year. Youtube, Netflix, Games, Books, Friends, hobbies, News, work, etc. etc. They are all vying for our attention. Our attention is limited.
Attention is a resource that is in deficit due to the over abundance of information
This is a dangerous landscape. How much of your day is spent in mindless scrolling or chatting?
Time is not guaranteed. Tomorrow cancer, or the loss of a job or home. Or maybe a lovely sunset and a delicious warm meal with loved ones. We can't predict what will come our way. Anything can be taken away from us. It is essential to focus on what needs to be focused on. This is one reason I have stopped making videos or wasting my time watching people behaving like fools on the internet spewing hot air about what ninja or samurai or what is correct about koryu in Japan etc. etc. I am also included in the group of idiots. I do not want to add to the drain on your attention. Nor do I want to waste my time. I want to deepen my training and enjoy my life.
A Lot Of Something Isn't Always Good
Too much information is just as bad as none. In my martial arts experience and in the health & fitness industry I have seen this kind of zombie person. They engage in the art of dojo and teacher hopping. They think adding a zillion styles will make them a more well rounded, smarter, and better budo person. Or they take endless workshops without taking time to really learn anything. They have this gaping maw of a mind and they are stuffing it with information. This is just madness and stupidity. I am glad I never got caught up in that kind of voracious zombie mentality. We think information is knowledge so the more of it is better. It is not always the case. Knowledge can't be jammed into the brain.
My sword school is my own. My practice is my own. I rather focus on that. My time is valuable. If I put in 20% for bujutsu training then I will get back 5%. We don't get out of it what we put in, we get back less in return. We should
True Budo Proper Conduct
True budo, real budo, is about being your authentic and true self. Those of us...
A Lesson Of The Brush & Budō
Today during shodo practice I wrote this. Our minds as the top of...
The Warrior Paradox
The True Spirit of Martial Arts: Beyond the Skilled Sword In the world of Japanese...
The Old Is Not Distant
This is important to understand when practicing historical or classical martial arts. Although the sword...
Practice. Time Is Fleeting
In #budo as well as life, in general, we should avoid wasting time. We need...
A Disease of the Swordsman
The Sword and its study. Hesitation (doubt) is one of the four diseases in swordsmanship....
Reflections on 31 Years of Martial Arts and 8 Years of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō
不動心 (Fudōshin) – The Immovable Mind As I mark 31 years of practicing martial arts...
Kesagiri: Anatomy of A Sword Strike
In Japanese swordsmanship, there have been many hundreds of schools. There are, however, only a...
The Sword With Two Edges
Today I decided to write the four kanji compound of morohanotsurugi. In English, we might...
death budo
What have you been distracting yourself with while death is around the corner? Time is...
Budo Don’t
Don’t be in love with your weapon. Don’t be in love with your uniform. Don’t...
Budo: The Culture of Destruction
The desire to destroy is within us all. We must overcome this urge to tear...
How to self-learn sword skills?
How to self-learn sword? A question that pops up in my communications frequently is, “How...
Sword Grip Tenouchi Iaido Video
This video describes basic hand grips (tenouchi) for using a katana (Japanese sword).
Greed And Martial Arts
We must endeavor to cultivate generosity while looking at the roots of our greed. Removing...
On being human and a martial artist
It is difficult to wind through the brambles and thorns of life. It is impossible...
What does Bugei mean?
Bugei translates as Martial art, Military arts, or Arts of war. Bu 武 means warrior...
Martial Arts Creator Origin Myths of Japan
Japanese Koryū Creator myths; becoming enlightened and making up a whole martial arts system. Some...
You With Sword In Hand, Calm Yourself
The mental issues involved with subscribing to someone you dislike, hate, have anger towards, desire...
Honesty and the Martial Arts Hermit. Being a good budō teacher and student.
When people want to find a martial arts teacher, do they often think of mister...
Jealous Martial Artists
Martial artists should be aware of what can live in the shadow of righteousness; jealousy...
Estás Involucrado en un Culto de Artes Marciales?
Recientemente tuve una conversación con alguien que se refirió a su escuela como una genuina...