Narrow Minds Walk Narrow Paths
There are a lot of martial arts to enjoy. There are many good teachers out there of varying degrees of knowledge. No one knows everything. If they have certificates or not it does not matter. Whatever the case may be, as long as they are honest then you can and should enjoy practice with people you like and respect. I have met masters of sword and brush and hammer who teach and practice based on their own skills. It is admirable they are able to go their own way.
If you can't let go of stupid thoughts after six years, three years etc.etc. then you are not going about budo practice correctly. The real problem is the lying, cheating, stealing, backstabbing all done in the name of this idea called "koryu". This idea of purity which doesn't exist.
Get over yourself. Practice and enjoy it. The world is big enough for honest and compassionate practitioners.
I pity you that holds on to the hate and venom. Your black heart stands out against the blue and white sky before me. I pray that you find a better way through the world.
館長Saneteru Radzikowski is the head sword instructor of Shinkan-ryū Kenpō. He lives and teaches Iaijutsu and Kenjutsu from Nara, Japan.
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